Interior Painting
Adding a layer of fresh paint can completely transform the interior of your home. But painting should not be a task. That’s why 1-800-PAINTERS simplified the painting experience, with world-class craftsmanship, and quality standards.
Residential Painting
From retouching the walls of the living room — on which a curious little one has cleaned the remains of peanut butter and gelatin — to providing this layer of fresh paint for the best appeal, we offer our customers the accurate residential painting services and advice they need at the exact hours they need them more.
Exterior Painting
Updating your exterior to clean it or looking to be creative with color and embracing new design trends, your home’s exterior paint will instantly stand out from neighbors. It also increases the value of your home!
Commercial Painting
From independent storefronts to massive sports complexes 1-800-PAINTERS provides the best commercial painting services. With creative eyes and talented hands, our team turns today’s commercial properties into attractive spaces that help attract attention and attract new businesses.